Sunday, November 21, 2010

Trimester 1 Reflections

1. I am proud of my grade on my Algebra Exam.
2. I wish I had done better on homework. Corrections save my life!!
3. Yes it has been. Graphing is hard for me because I hate it. I also dont like mixtures!!!!
4. I feel I have mastered completing the square and factoring. :)
5. I want to get an A+ in math. I will have to do well on homework and quizzes. I also want to be better behaved. I will have to talk less in class. :)

Service Learning and Math

1. The issue we are addressing is bilingual children in school.
2. We go to mary-oaks
3. We tutor the kids in math. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Geometry Chapter 1 Independent Study

My Vocabulary! it is amazing

My formulas!! OMG

Here are my formulas!!!!!

well not really. here is the link to my google doc w/ my formulas

and i figured out how to make a link! you press the button that says LINK



Here are my math problems! i had some ?? but i mostly understood it :)